WizPrep™ Plant DNA Mini Kit



WizPrep™ Plant DNA Mini Kit provides a fast and simple method to isolate total DNA (genomic DNA, mitochondrial, and chloroplast) from plant tissue and cells including leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruit, seeds, etc.
WizPrep™ Plant DNA Mini Kit uses silica-membrane technology to eliminate the cumbersome steps associated with loose resins or slurries. The kit is ready for use and can purify the genomic DNA from a wide variety of plant species and tissues, and the whole process is completed in less than 60 minutes. Purified DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction endonuclease digestion, and Southern Hybridization

  • Overview
    • Silica membrane spin column
    • No phenol and chloroform
    • Fast and easy processing using a rapid spin-column format
    • High yield and high-quality genomic DNA isolation

  • Ordering Information
    Cat No. Size Remark
    W71650-50 50 prep
    W71650-150 150 prep
  • Features
    Contents 50 prep 150 prep
    GP1 Buffer 25 ml 80 ml
    GP2 Buffer 6 ml 20 ml
    GP3 Buffer 35 ml 110 ml
    PW1 Buffer 12 ml 40 ml
    PW2 Buffer 14 ml 44 ml
    Elution Buffer 5 ml 20 ml
    RNase A 3 mg 9 mg
    Spin Columns 50 ea 150 ea
    Filter Columns 50 ea 150 ea
    Collection Tubes (2.0 ml) 100 ea 300 ea
  • Technical Data

  • Applications
    Genomic DNA extraction from plant tissue and cell
  • Storage & Shipping
    Room Temperature


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