Stepmate Stepper



• Stepmate Stepper is ideal for routine or research applications in diagnostics, molecular biology, environmental analysis and more.
• Stepmate stepper works on positive displacement pressure and
offers highest precision dispensing of liquid media with high
viscosity, high density and high vapour pressure.
• It provides up to 48 dispensing steps and improves work efficiently.
• It is lightweight and ergonomic.
• It can be used with one hand and is maintenance free.
• Factory fitted calibration.

Product spec

CE certified Yes

Ordering Details

Stepmate Stepper
Code Capacity No./case
E11171 0.5 – 50 ml 1
Suitable Tips & Adapter For Stepmate Stepper
Code Capacity Colour No./case
E11172D 0.5 ml Natural 5
E11173D 1.25 ml Natural  5
E11174D 2.5 ml Natural  5
E11175D 5 ml Natural  5
E11176D 12.5 ml Natural  5
E11177D 25 ml Natural 2 pcs piston + 1 pcs adaptor
E11178D 50 ml Natural 2 pcs piston + 1 pcs adaptor
E11179D 25 & 50 Adaptor Natural 10
* The first and last dispending liquid should be discarded for precision.
Dial Setting 01 (Graduated) 02 03 04 05
Number of Steps 48 23 15 11 8
Syringe Volume Test Volume (µl) A% p%
0.50 ml 10 20 30 40 50 ± 0.8 <= 0.7
1.25 ml 25 50 75 100 125 ± 0.8 <= 0.5
2.50 ml 50 100 150 200 250 ± 0.8 <= 0.4
5.00 ml 100 200 300 400 500 ± 0.4 <= 0.3
12.50 ml 250 500 750 1000 1250 ± 0.3 <= 0.3
25.00 ml 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ± 0.2 <= 0.3
50.0 ml 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 ± 0.2 <= 0.2


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