Premium Plus 8-Channel Adjustable Multichannel Pipette



• Abdos Premium Plus Multi-channel Pipettes have a unique ergonomic design for comfortable finger support and
convenient tip ejector design allows one-handed operation.
• The dispensing head of these pipettes rotate for optimum pipetting.
• The special compound material tip cone design allows visual seal verification and has excellent chemical resistance.
• Individual piston and tip cone assemblies allow easy repair and maintenance.
• Volume settings can be clearly read through digital display.
• Abdos Premium Plus Multi-channel Pipettes are easy to calibrate and maintain with the tools supplied.
• These pipettes are designed to avoid repetitive strain injuries.
• All Abdos pipettes are supplied with operator manual that provides complete information on recalibration and
maintenance of the pipettes.

Product spec

CE certified Yes
Accuracy Standards(ISO 8655) Yes
Autoclave Yes

Ordering Details

Maximum Permissible Systematic Error Maximum Permissible Random Error
Code Capacity Increment Test Volume Inaccuracy Inaccuracy Imprecision Imprecision No. / Case
E11136 0.5 – 10 µl 0.1 µl 10 µl
5 µl
1 µl
± 1.50 %
± 2.50 %
± 4.00 %
± 0.15 µl
± 0.125 µl
± 0.04 µl
± 1.50 %
± 2.50 %
± 4.00 %
± 0.15 µl
± 0.125 µl
± 0.04 µl
E11137 5 – 50 µl 0.5 µl 50 µl
25 µl
5 µl
± 1.00 %
± 1.50 %
± 3.00 %
± 0.50 µl
± 0.375 µl
± 0.15 µl
± 0.50 %
± 1.00 %
± 2.00 %
± 0.25 µl
± 0.25 µl
± 0.10 µl
E11138 50 – 300 µl 5 µl 300 µl
150 µl
50 µl
± 0.70 %
± 1.00 %
± 1.50 %
± 2.10 µl
± 1.50 µl
± 0.75 µl
± 0.25 %
± 0.50 %
± 0.80 %
± 0.75 µl
± 0.75 µl
± 0.40 µl


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