WizPrep™ Total RNA Mini Kit (Cell) provides a fast and simple method to isolate total RNA from various cultured cells and bacteria.
WizPrep™ Total RNA Mini Kit (Tissue) provides a fast and simple method to isolate total RNA from various animal tissue.
The uses silica-membrane technology to eliminate the cumbersome steps associated with loose resins or slurries.
The kit is ready for use and can purify the total RNA from wide samples, and the whole process is completed in less than 20 minutes. Purified RNA is suitable for RT-PCR, northern blotting, primer extension, and cDNA library construction.
- Efficiently isolate RNA from Cell or Tissue
- Quick and Easy by Spin Column type
- Less than 20 minutes to the purification of high pure total RNA
- Minimize genomic DNA contamination
- High-purity RNA isolate for RT-PCR, cDNA synthesis
Ordering Information
Product Cat No. Size WizPrep™ Total RNA Mini Kit (Cell) W72060-100
W72060-300100 prep
300 prepWizPrep™ Total RNA Mini Kit (Tissue) W72070-50
W72070-15050 prep
150 prep
Technical Data
- Total RNA extraction from sample
Storage & Shipping
- Room temperature
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