Premium Electronic Pipette



Abdos Premium electronic pipette is fast, precise with an ergonomic design that is easy to use in laboratories.
• High accuracy, high performance stepper motor ensures accuracy and repeatability, eliminating manual pipetting errors.
A motor driven digital control pipette with multi-function Pipetting, Mixing, Stepper and Dilution.
• 2 buttons handle all operational settings.
• Light weight, ergonomic design, small body dimension for easy handling that guarantees fatigue free pipetting.
• Adjustable speeds for aspiration and dispensing.
• Comprehensive range with easy programming.
• Motor driven with build-in-error control improving pipetting precision and providing reliable results.
• Highly efficient lithium-ion battery offering long running time with each charge makes the Premium Electronic Pipette a
work-horse during busy times in the laboratories.
• Lower part is autoclavable.
• Reduces workload and improves the accuracy and precision.
• A bright LED display makes setting and reading easy, thus reducing or eliminating errors.
• User can Self-calibrate by limiting the pipette to a PC via USB connector.

Product spec

CE certified Yes
Accuracy Standards(ISO 8655) Yes

Ordering Details

Code Capacity Increment Test Volume Inaccuracy Inaccuracy Imprecision Imprecision No. / Case
E11161 0.5 – 10 µl 0.01 µl 10 µl
1 µl
± 1.0 %
± 3.5 %
± 0.10 µl
± 0.035 µl
0.05 *s.d µl
0.03 *s.d µl
0.5 CV%
3.0 CV%
E11162 5 – 50 µl 0.1 µl 50 µl
5 µl
± 0.8 %
± 3.0 %
± 0.40 µl
± 0.15 µl
0.15 *s.d µl
0.125 *s.d µl
0.3 CV %
2.5 CV %
E11163 30 – 300 µl 1 µl 300 µl
30 µl
± 0.6 %
± 3.0 %
± 1.8 µl
± 0.9 µll
0.6 *s.d µl
0.21 *s.d µl
0.2 CV %
0.7 CV %
E11164 100 – 1000 µ 5 µ 1000 µl
100 µl
± 0.6 %
± 3.0 %
± 6.0 µl
± 3.0 µll
2.0 *s.d µl
0.6 *s.d µl
0.2 CV %
0.6 CV %


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